Recruiting Directors In Your HOA


From time to time, it is necessary or desirable to recruit new directors. It may due to a vacancy or an upcoming election. Often volunteers are reluctant to commit until they fully understand the scope of the job and time commitment. Here is a sample solicitation letter that outlines director duties:

To All Members of Nottacare ,

At the Annual Meeting, two positions for director of the board will be voted on. Anyone that is a owner in good standing (current in HOA payments and no outstanding violations) is eligible to run in this election.

Overview of Director Duties. The board has the authority to direct business including maintenance and financial oversight, rules enforcement and architectural design approval. The board has the authority to hire and oversee the professional management company.

The board meets four times a year for two hours to review business and to make decisions and enact policy. Between those meetings, there may be an occasion special meeting to deal with an urgent matter that can’t wait for a regularly scheduled board meeting. The President has the authority to act on behalf of the board between meetings as long as the matter is authorized by the governing or in line with the approved budget.

Serving on the board gives you direct impact and influence on how HOA business is handled. While a management, financial or construction background is helpful, no special training is required other than the willingness and availability to serve. The office of director carries a term of three years.

All members have an obligation to serve in some capacity. We hope you will consider running for the board. You may be nominated by another owner or by yourself. If you are interested in being nominated, please email that desire and your contact information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail to Nottacare Condominum, 123 Easy St, Anytown USA by no later than April 1st. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Ima Daboss
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
President – Nottacare Condominum
Phone 666.666.6666

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