A Checklist For Going Green In Your HOA

There is much talk of green . The following checklist will help identify features that produce a healthier, high-performance building that costs less to operate and has fewer negative environmental impacts. HOA developers and builders take note:

Location: Green buildings are not built on environmentally sensitive sites like prime farmland, wetlands and endangered species habitats. The greenest sites are “in-fill” properties like former parking lots, rail yards, shopping malls and factories. Look for compact development where the average housing density is at least six units per acre. The building should also be within easy walking distance of public transportation to reduce the need for cars. A green building should also be within walking or biking distance of parks, schools, and stores.

Size: No matter how many green building elements go into a building, large square foot green buildings still consume many more natural resources than samller square foot green buildings. The larger building will also require more heating, air conditioning and lighting. Smaller is greener.

Building Design:

1. Natural Light. Buildings should be oriented on its site to bring abundant natural daylight into the interior to reduce lighting requirements and to take advantage of any prevailing breezes. Windows, clerestories, skylights, mirrors, reflective materials and other strategies should be used to bring daylight to the interior of the .

2. Shading. The exterior should have devices like sunshades, canopies, green screens and, best of all, trees, particularly on the southern and western facades and over windows and doors, to block hot summer sun.

3. Heat Gain/Loss. Dual-glaze windows reduce heat gain in summer and heat loss during cold winter months.

4. Roof Reflectivity. The roof should be a light-colored, heat-reflecting. An Energy Star rated roof, or a green (landscaped) roof reduce heat absorption.

Green Building Materials: A green building will have been constructed or renovated with

1. Non-toxic Building Materials & Furnishings like low- and zero-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints and sealants.

2. Strawboard for the sub-flooring.

3. Renewable Wood Products like bamboo or hardwoods certified by the Forest Stewardship Council www.fscus.org

4. Salvaged Materials like kitchen tiles and materials with significant recycled content.

5. Non-Toxic Insulation derived from materials like soybean or cotton, with a high R (heat resistance) factor in a building’s walls and roof will help prevent cool air leakage in the summer and warm air leakage in the winter.

6. Energy Efficient Windows & Doors should seal their openings tightly to avoid heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter.

Energy Star Rated Lighting, Heating, Cooling & Water Heating Systems and Appliances.

1. Renewable Energy Generation like solar panels.

2. Water Efficient irrigation system, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, rainwater collection and storage system (particularly in dry climates).

3. Indoor Environmental Quality. Natural daylight should reach at least 75% of the building’s interior. Natural ventilation via building orientation, operable windows, fans, wind chimneys and other strategies should bring plentiful fresh air inside the building. The HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system should filter all incoming air and vent stale air outside. The garage should not have any air handling equipment or return ducts and should have an exhaust fan to prevent carbon monoxide and other fumes from entering the living spaces.

Shade/Native Landscaping. Use vine covered green screens, large canopy trees and other landscaping to shade exterior walls, driveways, patios and other “hardscape” to minimize heat islands. Yards should be landscaped with drought and pest tolerant native species rather than water-guzzling plants and grass.

While some of these green features are currently relatively expensive (like solar panels), many are quite cost competitive and merely a matter of informed and conscious decision making. Many of these green alternatives can be justified based on their return on investment. If your HOA can get a 3-10 year payback based on energy savings, why not do it? Join the revolution. Save energy and save money! Go Green!

Information from the U.S. Green Building Council

For more innovative homeowner association management strategies, see www.Regenesis.net.



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