Commonwealth group commits to professional development in Africa


The Tanzania Minister for Lands, and Human Settlements , William Lukuvi (left); President, Tanzania Institution of Valuers and Estate Agents, Linus Kinyondo; President, Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE), Mr. Segun Ajanlekoko and President, Institution of Surveyors of Tanzania, Martins Chodota during the CASLE conference in Dar es Salam, Tanzania

A federation of independent professional societies, Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE) has committed to the advancement of the profession of surveying in the Commonwealth, and to the enhancement of the skills of surveyors in the management of the natural and built environments.

CASLE President, Mr. Joseph Ajanlekoko made this known at the body’s conference held in Tanzania, where he called for the fostering appropriate standards of education for surveying and land economy and the establishment of appropriate facilities for education and training.

CASLE was established to facilitating the transfer of technology within the Commonwealth and assisting national programmes of continuing professional development designed to keep surveyors up-to-date as well as encouraging dialogue between its member societies and national governments on all matters of national policy on which the profession is competent to offer informed opinions and advice.

Ajanlekoko noted that the conference is an affirmation of the CASLE’s management board interest in ensuring that member bodies and its members are afforded the opportunity of benefitting from the expertise and knowledge warehoused by CASLE for their professional development aside the added value of networking that is derivable from the conference.

“We will continue to pursue this programme in all Commonwealth regional groupings throughout the tenure of this leadership,” the past President of Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS) said.

CASLE Secretary-General, Mrs. Susan Spedding explained that the formation of CASLE was inspired by the Commonwealth Foundation, with a promise of financial support to aid the development of skills in surveying and land economy, specifically to foster the development of the profession in all Commonwealth countries.

“Unfortunately, in 2012 The Commonwealth Foundation withdrew core and activity grants from Commonwealth Societies like CASLE, and we have had to find other sources of income in order to implement our programmes of activities. Currently, CASLE derives income from the subscriptions of its members and sponsorship, whilst all of its officers serve in an honorary capacity,” she said.

According to her, CASLE has achieved accredited ‘Special Consultative Status’ with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and is closely involved in many aspects of implementation of the Habitat Agenda. CASLE also works closely with other Commonwealth associations in cognate fields, participates in UN-Habitat meetings and is a partner of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN).

Spedding said that CASLE has established its own Land Administration Group, and also takes part in pre-CHOGM events. In implementing the Habitat Agenda, the issues of particular relevance to us are: access to land and legal security of tenure; pro-poor housing and livelihoods; improvement of the enabling framework; sustainable development goals and promotion of partnerships focused on resources, relief of poverty and securing finance for sustainable development.

CASLE was founded in 1969  and currently, CASLE has member societies in over 30 Commonwealth countries and correspondents in many other countries.  NIQS, Nigerian Institution of Surveyors, Nigerian Institution of Valuers & Estate Surveyors and several surveying professional bodies in sub-Saharan have been members of CASLE for some years, and have made a welcome contribution to CASLE.


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