Best Time to Sell a House

Discover the best time to sell a and maximize your profit: Seasonal Trends in .

Spring is generally the best time to sell your house. The warmth wakes buyers from their winter slumber. People are ready to move, whether it’s for the better weather, new jobs, or getting the kids ready before the school starts. According to ATTOM Data Solutions, sold in May net a 12.8 percent seller premium.1 This is because of the demand and brisk pace of sales. Key repairs can be made during the winter, setting you up perfectly for a spring listing.

Summer comes with its perks. The days are longer, and the weather is still pleasant. June even edges out April in terms of profitability, offering a 10.7 percent seller premium.1 Families look to settle in before school starts, pushing the buying frenzy into early summer. However, beware of the slump that can hit in August. Vacations and the return to school see a drop in buyer activity.

Fall isn’t bad if you’ve missed the summer rush. The urgency to move in before the weather turns can drive motivated buyers. Home sales tend to see a slight drop starting in September, but properties listed in early fall can still net you a decent premium. The weather is usually still manageable, making house viewings pleasant.

Winter can be the toughest season to sell. The days are shorter, weather conditions can be challenging, and buyers are too caught up with holidays to focus on a big move. January particularly is a rough time, with a 6.2 percent seller premium, the lowest point in the year.1 Yet, for those buyers who do trudge out, competition might be lower, possibly working in your favor. There’s less foot traffic, but each pair of boots that steps inside is likely more serious about purchasing.

The cyclical nature of real estate means each season has its quirks. While spring and summer come off as the heavy-hitters, fall still has the potential to work in your favor, with some seasonal activities boosting curb appeal. Winter, meanwhile, requires more effort to create a cozy, inviting space for buyers willing to face the challenges.

A collage of four images showing a house in different seasons - spring with blooming flowers, summer with a bright sun, fall with colorful leaves, and winter with snow.

Monthly Analysis of Selling a Home

When you examine the nuances of selling your home on a monthly basis, it becomes apparent that timing can make all the difference. Utilizing data from ATTOM Data Solutions, let’s break down the best and worst months for selling, while also highlighting those marginal gains you can achieve by listing your home on specific days of the week.

May stands out as the peak month for selling. Homes sold in May achieve a seller premium of 12.8 percent, the highest in the year.1 This is the sweet spot when buyer activity is at its zenith. School has not yet ended, but families are preparing, making it the perfect time to present your on the market.

June follows close behind with a 10.7 percent seller premium.1 This early-summer month maintains the buyer momentum from May, with the added benefit that school is out, allowing more flexibility for families to transition.

April and March also rank favorably, coming in with seller premiums of 10.3 percent and 9.7 percent, respectively.1 These months see an uptick in buyer activity as warmer weather sets in and spring blooms. Listing a home at the end of March or the beginning of April sets you up well to capture early spring buyers.

July sees a slight drop with a 9.6 percent seller premium but remains solid as buyers are in full force.1 The days are still long, and summer vacations give ample opportunity for house hunting. However, be aware that as August approaches, the market softens a bit.

August offers a seller premium of 8.2 percent.1 It’s a decent figure, albeit lower than prior summer months. Buyers start to close out their summer plans and prepare for the school year, making this a transitional and slightly unpredictable month.

September continues the decline with an 8.0 percent seller premium.1 The focus shifts to settling into routines rather than looking for new homes, yet it’s still possible to make a good sale if your property stands out.

October through December are traditionally slower months for real estate. October offers a 6.8 percent seller premium, and this downward trend continues in November with a 6.3 percent premium, which is the lowest premium of the entire year.1 The year-end holidays dominate people’s attention, and fewer buyers are in the market. January slightly improves with a 7.5 percent premium,1 as New Year resolutions and a fresh start could inspire moves, but it’s still a challenging time due to weather and post-holiday sluggishness.

Vacations and year-end activities tend to distract potential buyers in November and December, making it tougher to close deals. However, listing your property on a Thursday can counteract some of this seasonal slowdown. According to Zillow, homes listed on Thursday tend to sell faster and are 1.5 percent more likely to sell above asking price.2 This is because buyers and agents typically prepare for weekend showings, increasing the traffic to your listing immediately as it hits the market. In contrast, homes listed on Sundays sit on the market eight days longer on average.


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