Real estate agents – make them your friend not foe

Getting your head around what real actually do is very useful when it comes to building a good rapport with them. Cate Bakos, a Melbourne-based licensed and buyers’ advocate, gives us a handy breakdown.

Real estate agents can sometimes get bad rap, and although some of the horror stories out there are no doubt true – with plenty of home-buyers having their fingers burnt and their noses well and truly put out of joint – on the whole most agents are excellent with people and work incredibly hard. Sometimes simply having a better understanding of their role and the status of the campaign can make a huge difference.

For one, not all agents take on the same tasks when a property sells, and they don’t all receive the same remuneration.

Knowing what real estate agents do is a good start when it comes to building rapport.

Agents: the breakdown

Listing agent: signs up the vendor’s authority to sell

Selling agent: manages the purchaser signing the contract

Handling agent: coordinates the open for inspections, sign-off and vendor feedback. In many cases this is the listing agent

Sunday agent: a rostered ‘handling agent’ for Sunday (sometimes the listing agent)

Auctioneer: the person with the gavel on auction day

Depending on the size of the agency, sometimes just one agent can handle all of the above.

You’ve got your head around what agents do, now get up to speed with how to get them on side.

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