The euphoria that comes with owning a home often leads buyers to make costly mistakes that could last a lifetime. Staying clear of these mistakes would ensure you not only make a significant profit in your home- in the instance that you are buying it to sell- but that you also get a home you would feel happy staying in for a long while – in the instance that you are buying the property for residential use.

The following are some classic mistakes made by home buyers, whether first-time buyers of real estate investors. Avoiding this mistakes would ensure you not only survive the slow market but see you excelling more than Marilyn Hoffman.


This is top of the mistakes made by home buyers or real estate investors. Most people simply look at a home they are attracted to, inspect the property and source for a mortgage before paying. While this seems enough, buying a property requires more rigorous research.

When purchasing a home, remember the neighborhood is as important as the you are buying. Try to make a research on the type of neighborhood the home is located, the nature of the neighbors and crime rate in the area. The following questions are tailored to help you in your home search:

  1. Is the property located in a disaster-prone zone such as areas notable for radon occurrence or persistent termite invasion?
  2. Is the property located in a danger zone or an area known for criminal activity?
  3. Is the property located in a commercial area or is there a possibility for long term economic activity?
  4. Why does the owner want to sell the house?
  5. What do the neighbors have to say about the property?


This is second on the list as the list as the average American believes he doesn’t need the services of a realtor. While it is no doubt true that you may make a lot more profit buying a home on your own, the colossal losses that have been recorded with this method are enough to scare anybody away. While trying to cut cost by refusing to engage the services of a , you put yourself at risk of paying more for a property, getting cheated out of the deal, or buying a home that isn’t the best for you. Real estate agents are professionals and no matter how much you argue, real estate agents always have more knowledge than you do on properties within an area. Engaging their services would ensure you get a fair pricing and the best home for any amount you have.


The mortgage payment is a little aspect of owning a home, the expenses to be spent on repairing or renovating the home to suit your taste is always an unavoidable cost that must be factored into the price of a home. A common mistake made by home buyers is underestimating the expenses to be made either in renovating or maintaining the property. This cost should be analyzed into the price of the home to help you determine if you are overpaying for a home. There are helpful tools on the internet, which can help you with this step. You can visit www.zilculator.com or search “ZILCULATOR” – an online real estate investment tool built to cater for the specific need of property analysis- to help you ascertain the current worth of the home, taking into account, the necessary repairs/remodeling or renovations you might need on the property.



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