5 things to remember when checking your property after a storm


With north Queenslanders bracing themselves for the onset of Cyclone Debbie today, it’s important to take some advice from the experts about storm damage. 

SES spokesperson Stephanie Wills shares her tips on where to start when assessing after a storm.

1. Safety first

Wills urges caution above all else. After a storm, you’re looking at broken glass, damage to roofs, and trees that have fallen down – and still have the potential to fall down.

After a flood, it could mean damaged roofs leaking contaminants like .

sydney storms

Be cautious when checking your for damage. Picture: Getty

“The most important thing to keep in mind after a storm is safety – to yourself, your family and neighbours,” Wills says.

Keep this front-of-mind before you consider what your next steps will be.

2. Steer clear of danger zones

According to the SES, danger zones are: Creeks, drains, causeways, gutters, streams, fallen trees, power lines or any damaged buildings.

Although it can be tempting to go sightseeing and inspect areas that have changed since the storm or flood, this can hinder recovery efforts and also put you at risk.

3. Check your home

damaged roof

Don’t rush in, make sure it’s safe to enter the property. Picture: Getty

When it’s time to check the damage to your home, don’t rush in. Wills shares these tips:

  • Check the structural stability of your home before entering;
  • Then make sure your gas and electricity are turned off.

Now that you have ascertained that it’s safe to enter, using a torch you can proceed to inspect the damage.

In a flood, it is advisable to wear protective clothing, including boots and gloves, while cleaning up.

4. Make sure water & food is safe

Floods can cause failures to water mains so drinking water should also be checked before consuming.

“Never eat food that has been in contact with flood water,” Wills says.

5. Keep calm & know who to call

If you’re feeling panicked in the aftermath of floods or storms it can help to remember the value of your own safety.

“It may be a shock to the system, but you are more important than your property,” she says.

“You can get a new but you can’t get a new you.”

If you’re in need of emergency help as a result of storms or floods, you should contact the SES on 132 500.

These sites also have some great resources:

FloodSafe NSW

SES Victoria


FloodSafe SA

Flood WA

FloodSafe TAS

Emergency Services ACT




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